# Agora Install - a [[howto]]. - These are instructions to [[run your own agora]]. If you are looking for instructions on how to *join* this Agora, please refer to: [[agora signup]], [[agora editor]]. ## Before you get started As of the time of writing the [[Agora]] consists of three distinct repositories: - The ***Agora proper***, which contains the root of a tree plus instructions on how to grow it. This is defined by its configuration and its [[contract]]. - -> [[go/agora]] - The [[Agora Server]], a web interface to the Agora, mostly [[read only]]. It is the interface you're reading this in if you're in [anagora.org](https://anagora.org). - -> [[go/agora-server]] - [[Agora Bridge]], a repository that contains various means of ***writing*** to the Agora and more generally interfacing with it. This includes the process that interacts with the Agora's configuration (in the first repository in the list) and runs fetch/update tasks; and a set of platform-specific bots. - -> [[go/agora-bridge]] The following instructions assume you clone all repositories and run all services under the same user in a Unix-like system (`anagora.org` runs on Debian GNU/Linux). We suggest `agora`: ``` $ adduser agora # follow prompts $ sudo su - agora ``` To get all repositories: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/flancian/agora.git $ git clone https://github.com/flancian/agora-server.git $ git clone https://github.com/flancian/agora-bridge.git ``` You need to clone *all three* to run a fully functioning Agora. Because the first is configuration only, and the third encapsulates all mutating code, you technically only need to run [[agora server]] as a service to run an immutable Agora. These instructions assume you set up all three in order. ### Agora - `gardens.yaml` contains the list of sources for this Agora. - may be renamed `sources.yaml` - (if the agora is a filesystem, this is the [[fstab]]) - [[gardens yaml]] - `CONTRACT.md` contains the Agora system account's public commitment to the ecosystem. You need to edit `gardens.yaml` if you want to carry a different set of sources. The Agora comes with defaults. If you edit the [[CONTRACT]], your Agora might become incompatible with the Agora you forked from. Conflict resolution is part of [[agora protocol]] but currently not specified. ### [[Agora Server]] - [[python]] backend, [[flask]] based. - [[typescript]] frontend, no framework for now. If you installed in non-standard paths (i.e. your repos are not in `/home//`), edit `app/config.py`. You need to create a Python virtual environment, install packages from `requirements.txt`. run `./setup.sh` and it'll at least try to point you in the right direction :) You can then `./run-dev.sh` (for development) or `./run-prod.sh` (if you want to serve to the outside world). If you do the latter, you may want to set up [[uwsgi]] in [[nginx]] and make it stick as a [[systemd service]] using `agora-server.service` as an example. Please refer to https://github.com/flancian/agora-server#to-develop for details. You can add an nginx virtual host with [[certbot]]: `certbot --nginx -d example.anagora.org`. Then use the following as an example to forward traffic in that virtual host to Agora Server over UWSGI: ``` location / { include uwsgi_params; # /home/agora/agora-server/run-prod.sh to run. uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/agora-uwsgi.sock; } ``` ### Agora Bridge - [[python]] - [[gardens py]] - [[yaml]] - [[gardens yaml]] - [[agora bot yaml]] - [[typescript]] You need to create a Python virtual environment, install packages from `requirements.txt`. run `./setup.sh` and it'll at least try to point you in the right direction :) Then run `./run-prod.sh` either on a shell or as a [[systemd service]]. This will pull from all sources in the root repository's `gardens.yaml` in a loop. You can also optionally run a number of bots that will interact with people in supported platforms. See the `bots` directory and https://github.com/flancian/agora-bridge#install for more. ## And now? Now that you have a functioning Agora, consider what you will do with it. Please consider [[agora protocol]], [[contract]] and [[goals]]. Reach out if you are interested in establishing other protocols for [[collaboration]]. ## A note on Docker support There is currently no [[docker]] support, but it seems like it could be a great fit. We have this in our plan, but if you're handy with Docker, this would be a great contribution for you! :)